
Student Success Podcast and Blog, February 24, 2014, “Excellence gaps and the national imperative for equity and excellence,” http://school4schools.com/blog/?p=1402

Student Success Podcast and Blog, October 24, 2013, “Talent on the sidelines: The excellence gap,” http://school4schools.com/blog/?p=587

Blog Posts

Blog post on web site of Kittcatt Nohr Digitas, a leading UK marketing firm:

The Perfect (Brain) Storm?:  http://kitcattnohrdigitas.com/thought/articles/perfect-brainstorm

Guest-blogger for Rick Hess’ Education Week blog:

Poverty, Ed Reform, and the Most Important Foundation You’ve Probably Never Heard Of (December 5, 2014) http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/rick_hess_straight_up/2014/12/poverty_ed_reform_and_foundation_youve_never_heard_of.html

The Extracurricular Hamster Wheel: Lessons for Promoting High Performance (December 4, 2014), http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/rick_hess_straight_up/2014/12/the_extracurricular_hamster_wheel.html

The Good, the Not Bad, and the Ugly of Title IX (December 3, 2014), http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/rick_hess_straight_up/2014/12/good_not_bad_and_ugly_of_title_ix.html

Should Local Districts Participate in International Assessments? With David and Leslie Rutkowski (December 2, 2014), http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/rick_hess_straight_up/2014/12/should_local_districts_participate_in_international_assessments.html

We’re Getting STEAMrolled: Stop Creating Favored Classes of Content (December 1, 2014), http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/rick_hess_straight_up/2014/12/were_getting_steamrolled_stop_favored_content.html

The Angry Moderate Reformer, Part V: Time to "Re-question" Special Education (August 16, 2013), http://tinyurl.com/SPEDrequestion

The Angry Moderate Reformer, Part IV: Poverty Reduction as Education Reform (August 15, 2013), http://tinyurl.com/lm65kjb

The Angry Moderate Reformer, Part III: It's as American as Academic Freedom, Political Intimidation, and Apple Pie (August 14, 2013), http://tinyurl.com/MDcontroversy

The Angry Moderate Reformer, Part II: Market-Based Teacher Preparation (August 13, 2013), http://tinyurl.com/teachermarkets

The Angry Moderate Reformer, Part I: The Rise and Fall of Tony Bennett, and The One Lesson We'll Almost Certainly Ignore (August 12, 2013), http://tinyurl.com/TBcontrovery

Urban Education: Lots of Problems, Not a Lot of Solutions (April 6, 2012), http://tinyurl.com/aysm5tk

This Time Everything is Different. No, Really, This Time We Have Data (April 5, 2012), http://tinyurl.com/9q772cq

Why is the U.S. Prioritizing Minimum Competency? (April 4, 2012), http://tinyurl.com/b2sfwha

Don’t Throw NCLB Waivers Out With the Bathwater (April 3, 2012), http://tinyurl.com/bgukn69

"Look Out, the Russians Japanese Irish British Indians and Chinese are coming!" (April 2, 2012), http://tinyurl.com/ahnv64o

EdNews Voices blog (Colorado Public Education and Business Coalition):

International tests highlight achievement gap (February 22, 2013), http://www.ednewscolorado.org/voices/voices-international-tests-highlight-achievement-gap/ 

Phi Delta Kappa On the EDge blog

What Matters is What’s Measured – Not Who Measures It. With David and Leslie Rutkowski (December 2. 2014), http://pdkintl.org/blogs/learning-on-the-edge/matters-whats-measured-measures/

NAGC blog

The Common Core Can Be Great for Gifted Students … But That’s Not Guaranteed (December 5, 2014)

From Where I Sit: We Need to Work Together to Make the Common Core Work for Gifted Students (December 11, 2014), both available at http://multibriefs.com/briefs/nagc/NAGC121114.php